Requirements - Don't forget to bring your steel toed boots.As we will be going outside to perform the "Hands-On - Practical " portion of this course please bring your steel toed boots and appropriate dress wear for the weather.
Onsite Aerial Work Platform Training
More and more companies are realizing the value of bringing training on-site. ICON's On-site Digger Derrick Training is a flexible, cost-effective option that allows you to train from a 5 person team or department to everyone in your organization! (call for details)
Programs are delivered when and where you want them—at your offices, at your center locations or at a location of your choice. With more people where you need them, you’ll increase productivity and keep projects moving forward!
The goal of ICON SAFETY CONSULTING INC's Digger Derrick Operator Safety Training Course is to give our students the knowledge, hands on experience, and confidence to return to work as a qualified and safety conscious operator.
Our experienced Digger Derrick instructors create an engaging and welcoming atmosphere in the classroom for the theory portion of the course. Students will learn about their responsibilities as operators, and the fundamentals and importance of hazard assessments, inspections, and much more.
The practical aspect gives students a chance to perform the skills discussed in class on the Digger Derrick equipment, and then our instructors evaluate their manipulation of the instrument controls, driving, boom controls, and the fluidity of their operation. You will leave our class feeling comfortable, confident and safe at the controls!