- Don't have an appointment?, that's okay, walk in's are always welcome at 5610 48th Avenue Camrose Ab. -
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Button #1 is our trusted link to BizTrainer.ca and contains courses such as; W.H.M.I.S - G.H.S, T.D.G, Asbestos Awareness, Electrical Safety and Scaffolding Safety to name a few of the over 200 courses available to you. Just click on button #1 below and type into the search bar the course you may be looking for or just browse through all that are available. Once you find the course you are looking for, just click on it and follow the instructions. It’s that easy!

The ENIAC computer was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons.

Button #3which will take you directly to the BuildForce.ca website. Enter your course pin and begin. It really is that easy!

Online Safety Training



 - Accessing our online library of over 200 courses has never been easier!

For our Online Courses we have two trusted links for you to browse through and find the course or courses you may be looking for.

Button #2 is our trusted link to BuildForce.ca and contains courses such as – Pipeline Construction Safety Training (PCST), First Level Supervisory Training, Construction Project Management & National Construction Safety Awareness to name a few. Just click on Button #2 below and browse through the list for the course your looking for. Once you find the course, just give us a call and we will get you your Course PIN number, then come back to this page.